Thursday, March 31, 2005

Just out of a Cabinet meeting. Later have important strategy briefing. Busy few days ahead.
Nice weather means can get out and play a few rounds of golf with David Mills. (Tessa Jowell’s husband) Must congratulate her on the great hatchet job she did on the BBC by the way. Sorry it’s belated Tess!

Amazing after everything that’s happened they can’t even keep private emails to themselves. First mine, then the v amusing exchange leaked last week. The fucking organisation really has had it. Crowing about making money on the back of Dr Who? Is that the best they can come up with? Bet Paxman is having a fucking laugh.

Notice the press pretty much skated over mine whereas Mark Thompson is still being hung out to dry. Mind you should imagine working in that place dealing with wanker journalists day in day out is enough to drive anyone to violence/madness. I should fucking know.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Be sure to watch Tony’s interview on Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway on ITV this weekend. He desperately needs a break from all the heavy political questions he’s been getting asked recently over education, health, crime and of course the war so we thought this was a good plan. Been told Little Ant and Dec are very funny and it will be nice to see Tony in relaxed mood being his usual down to earth self.
Someone has sent me an email asking what my favourite book is and which book I’d take to a desert island.

Unfortunately over the past few years I have had very little time to read as much as I would like to apart from my sporting heroes' biographies. However, there is an excellent book called Threads of Life by Flora McDonnell that I would highly recommend to anyone who is suffering from depression or knows someone who is suffering from depression or who is simply looking for some inspiration in life. It is the kind of book that I needed when I was ill.

Although I did contribute a chapter the most inspiring are the thoughts of those from the more normal side of life. A truly great book.

EDIT: As kindly pointed out the above book is in fact Threads of Hope.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Quiet Easter break before we get down to it. Laughable this whole Howard Flight business too. The Tories have been caught with their pants down blatantly lying – exposed by one of their own!! And now they are desperately trying to blame us for spying on them! Apparently they’ve even swept their HQ for bugs and believe there have been sleepers in the place over the last couple of years. Been watching to much Spooks I think. As if I’d ever authorise anything like that …

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Up to Fife with the family for a meeting with Gordon Brown and Ed Balls to sort out exactly where GB is going to stand in this campaign. All in all a pleasant day – Sarah made a nice roast lunch and the kids enjoyed playing with little John. Reluctantly agreed that he can take his place at the centre besides Tony rather than at the edge where I would prefer him.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Out getting eggs for R, C and G. Couldn’t help notice Britney Spears has a perfume out. Was tempted but don’t think Fiona would be too happy. Or Tony!! He prefers Christina Aguilera.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wish Piers Morgan would do us all a favour and just fuck off. Do people not remember why he got the boot? In the self publicising crap he writes for the Evening Standard he gloats over the fact that his drivel is at No 1 in the Amazon bestseller list whereas Peter Oborne’s biography of the great (thanks!) me is at 11,535. Hardly comparable is it you prat? His is a new edition, has had loads of fucking publicity thanks to the hypocritical Associated Newspapers, not cobbled together from a previous book and, I expect, half intelligent people are actually waiting for the authorised version of mine anyway.
God knows why the money grabbing ES let him take their “valuable” space when he could pay for a fucking advert. Like MH did last night I notice. Desperation?

Talking of God will be interesting to see what today’s papers make of Tony’s meeting with Faithspeak yesterday. No doubt my “we don’t do God” remark will be quoted ad nauseam.

Monday, March 21, 2005

To anyone who caught that Politics programme yesterday I warn you to ignore the advice given by Derek Draper about tactical voting.
That wanker suggested voting Lib Dem or even Tory in marginal seats to try and get rid of Tony. For starters why the fuck would you want to get rid of Tony?
It would be a very dangerous idea to vote like that as the Tories could get in by the back door or even worse we could end up with Gordon Brown as PM. Do not think that the British people would be that stupid to heed someone like that’s advice anyway.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Off to a party for Cherie and Tony’s wedding anniversary and Euan’s 21st. Don’t do many parties. Certainly don’t do weddings. But can make an exception for the Blairs. Bought Cherie flowers to make up for Tony’s lack of generosity.

Friday, March 18, 2005

I have two words to say about last nights “The Government Inspector” – bollocks.
What a load of crap. Only good point I suppose was that I had the first word.

Apart from that it was nonsense. Would like to make it clear that I do not speak in that wanky middle class accent and Tony has never played the guitar over the phone to me. Was also not happy that they made me out to have lost the plot. In fact cannot actually be bothered to waste time to write about it any more.

And although they tried to make Dr Kelly out to be some saintly Indiana Jones type character I thought he had more of a look of Harold Shipman about him. Wish people would get their stupid heads round the fact that the world is a better place without the likes of Saddam Hussein.

Fiona did not watch it – she was at a governors meeting. Dealers are selling drugs outside Gospel Oak Primary School’s gates.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Just back from Higham with Tony where he spoke at the village hall and visited a school etc. Went really well. Good to do these local visits and rely on local radio and press to cover the campaign rather than the nationals which are a total waste of time
V good day yesterday. Have had a few problems with the puppy over the last couple of weeks but nothing that house training and keeping on a tight leash couldn’t sort.
Some would say nothing a good kick couldn’t sort but would not go that far unless absolutely necessary!!

GB did well in the budget too – should have the fucking Tories nicely on the back foot.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Budget day today so v busy. However, release of letters yesterday through Freedom of Information Act has dragged up a load of old nonsense re the Queen Mother’s funeral. Step back and look at it without being clouded by all that Tory press spin and you will see that they were obviously mad that Tony was leading the country. And it was his right as head of State to be there up front with the funeral party. Just as they are now with the fact that he will be for a third term. Cannot be arsed to keep on going over old ground no matter how enthralling The Telegraph and co find it. Boris surely has enough problems of his own to deal with, the twat.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Some of you may be disappointed that I don’t go into too much detail in these entries. Two reasons – a lot of stuff I deal with on a day to day basis is confidential and second, there is the issue of “my pension”. For those of you who aren’t aware I’ve been keeping a diary now for nearly eleven years and one day will publish it so that I can retire comfortably. Of course, I can’t do this till Tony has served his third term but that is where the detail is and I can assure you it will blow that clap trap that Morgan has been peddling right out of the water.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Good to see that my old friend Karen Hughes has been appointed Undersecretary of State for Public diplomacy and Public Affairs. A long title, I know, that basically means managing the United States’ image abroad. She’s an excellent PR operative and I wish her all the best. Also good to see that Tony and George are keeping it in the family so to speak.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Apologies for not posting over the past couple of days. Have been busy on stuff that it is not a good idea to broadcast over the internet quite yet and doing a lot of training! Have even turned up at Westminster in my tracksuit a couple of times which I’m not sure has gone down too well with the old brigade. Not that I care.

Saw the trailer for Channel 4’s The Government Inspector last night, a programme about the events surrounding Kelly’s death and the whole wanky BBC affair – it will be interesting to see how I am portrayed. Apparently I swagger about a lot shouting “Bollocks” and “What a load of shit”. Well it was so at least they got that right.

Was supposed to be speaking before the Parliamentary Press Gallery at lunch but regrettably had to cancel.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Fucking Tories trying to take us on using the Margaret Dixon issue. OK it was tactically clever but they have been strategically bloody stupid - the twats should know that we are stronger in health and by doing this it will cause them no end of problems in the future. Which is good news for Tony of course.

Friday, March 04, 2005

I see Private Eye have dragged up the old chestnut about my alleged time as a “Riviera Gigolo”. How many bloody times do I have to say it was my first job and it was made up. I do wish these bunch of wankers would stop being so tedious and write about current issues.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Dinner at Murrayfield was a success. At least from the applause and laughter I presume Gavin Hastings and I spoke reasonably well! Best of all we raised a lot of money for Leukaemia Research.

For those of you who aren’t aware my best friend John Merritt and his little girl Ellie both died from the disease in 1992 and 1998 respectively. It touched me deeply and even today I often visit their grave in Highgate Cemetery when I need time to think.

I ran the London Marathon last year for the LRF and this year am in training for the London Triathalon. You can follow my progress and see lots of pictures of me looking hot and sweaty at my other site. But most importantly you can find out how to make a donation. And if you happen to see a middle aged man pounding the streets of North London perhaps you’ll be inspired to join me.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Just back from a business breakfast at McGrigors. V busy day - will write more later if I have time.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Re my entry yesterday: please do not think that I put Amanda in the same bracket as Morgan. Despite the fact that she was the Conservative Party’s Head of Media I have absolute respect for her. She helped me and treated me with dignity at a very difficult time in my life – something I have not forgotten.

Am off to Murrayfield to speak at a fundraising dinner in aid of Leukaemia research and the Riding for Disabled Association. Unfortunately will miss the crucial replay against Blackburn. No doubt about it - we will win.